Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hell on Earth!

Sometimes I wonder which of my feelings and emotions are my true feelings. After being diagnosed with BPD, I am so confused about everything. One minute I am happy as hell and loving everyone and the next minute I want to punch everyone.

These mood swings are driving me nuts. The one thing that has stayed constant in my life, my sexuality, is now in question and a major concern. My body and mind are changing at a rapid pace and I am not prepared to give up yet. So many things that came so easily for me are now my biggest challenges and I'm exhausted.

Two years ago, I was in sub frenzy, ready to devote my life to my Master. Now I barely feel competent enough to do that. He takes it in stride and tries to be as understanding as possible, but I have expectations for myself and I am failing miserably. How can I take care of him when I am the one who needs to be taken care of?

Every day, hour, and minute is a challenge. I keep reminding myself that I am safe and loved. There is no one left in my life to abuse me or take advantage. No more friends for me push away because I'm too sick to have healthy relationships. I often feel the people around me would be better off if I wasn't around.

Master has given me so much love and support these past couple of years and it's His love that keeps me going. But, I am so afraid that I am going to become so exhausted and off balance that one day he will realize how challenging our lives are going to be with me being mentally ill.
I thought applying for medical assistance would be a step in the right direction, but it's only proven to be an even bigger challenge.

I crave the day that I can enjoy my life again. Our amazing dungeon sits empty most nights because I can't get into the right head space to be submissive. As soon as I start feeling submissive, the fighter in me comes punching it's way out as if I am fighting for my life. I need to get back to that place where being submissive made me feel safe, not helpless and weak.

My life has so much potential, but I just can't seem to grab a hold of it with a tight enough grip to pull myself out of this rut. Spiraling downhill without a rope to hold on to is a very scary feeling. You never know if and when you are going to lose your mind. The things you think you have control over are always staring you in the face as a possible risk. What if I lost control?

Today has been an extremely challenging day. The simplest task of finding the proper medical assistance has proven to not be simple at all. After three hours of being turned down, I had to call the psychiatric hospital for assistance. They responded with "I have no idea who could help you with this situation, but we will call you back once we know more."

I am not stupid, I'm sick! The state of mental health or health care in general these days are a joke. My opinion of medical professionals has taken a nose dive this year. And if you can't trust the professionals, who can you trust?

 I want anyone that knows me or someone else with a mental disorder to know that we are out here doing our best to cope. Please be patient and understanding.
Some of us don't want help or think we need it. Others want help and can't find it. I don't wish this life for anyone. It's hell on Earth!